THE MANSION Your aim is to kill to the count ... To achieve will have to find the stake and the hammer. GAME ICONS To make any action you will have to move the graphic cursor to the relevant icon and push space key. The icons, from left to right, are: Direction: North, East, South, West. Action: UpStairs, DownStairs, Break, Take, Open, Look and Kill. THE EDIFICE Consists of 16 rooms, which change its location and its exits when your begin a new game. If you go into some room where "THE DOORS ARE CLOSING", you will have to discover a code to open them. There are 3 rooms of this kind. The code game consists of to guess a 4 figure number. When you have keyed the number, it is inform you how many figures are in its right place (fixes) and how many figures belong to the number but they are not in its right place (probables). You have 12 opportunities to guess the number. KEYS GAME Cursors: Move the graphic cursor. Space: Choice the option marked by then graphic cursor. M: Enable/Disable the music. WARNING!: NOT FOR SALE ARCADE PRODUCT. ACCORDING TO THE RULES OF THE MSXDEV '05, THIS VIDEO GAME IS RELEASED FREE OF CHARGE. ALL COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS STILL APPLY. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED BY THE AUTHOR. [c] Germán Gómez Herrera. 2005.